
How much calories could i burn for jogging for 1 hour straight.or bike riding for an hour straight.

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iam 13 years old and 158 pounds,i dont have lots of fat just a little belly,mostly muscel.




  1. Biking at 16 mph you should burn about 522 Calories.  General jogging for 1 hour burn 406 calories.  Biking burns more because you are going faster into the air which has a strong effect on your ablilty to overcome the wind resistence.  You cannot jog at 16 mph for an hour.  

  2. Depends how hard you do each.  Equally pushed, jogging burns more calories.  But if you're looking to burn fat, do speed intervals on a bike.  1 minute all out, 3 minutes easy riding for 15-20 minutes.

  3. 628 cal, estimated

    but for best computation please include height and race.

  4. Jogging would burn more calories, but if you want to burn off fat on a bicycle you want to pedal at a higher cadence.  The higher cadence will use your slow-twitch muscles which use fat for fuel and you would be able to go longer.

    You also should watch what you eat, it's easy er to not eat a Big Mac and fries  then to work it off.

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