
How much calories should I be having daily? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16, 5 foot 2,

I walk my dog for about an hour or 2 every day.

I walk to school and back 10 mins each.

I walk for about 20 mins at lunch.

On the weekends, I walk for about 3 hours in total a day.

So basically i exercise just by walking (I have bad ankles and knees so running hurts after a while, and i dont really like swimming)

I dont play sports, I sit down for most of my school day.

I'm planning to join a gym though which i'll use for an hour or 2 twice a week.

How much calories should I have daily? (not trying to lose a lot of weight, just keep healthy)




  1. You have a good amount of excercise as long as your walks are fairly brisk and not just wandering! You should really be eating  a minimum of 2000 calories daily or probably more as you are still growing - try not to obsess, just eat healthily and everything in moderation.

  2. 2,000 to 2,500 calories is healthy for you.  

  3. Hi,

    You didn't leave your weight so this is just an estimate.

    First you need to figure out roughly how many calories you burn in a day. By going here you will see that your BMR (how many calories you would burn if you were in bed all day and did not move) is about 1400 calories a day. So next you need to multiply that number by an activity number which you can find here

    I am guessing that would put you around 2000 calories that you burn in a day just by normal living. So if you bump it up by exercise 30 to 45 min3-5 day a week it would take it to around 2100 to 2300 depending on how hard you work. You should not work out more than an hour a day.  So eating around 2000 to 2300 should be fine, but check out those site for more information.

  4. I think 2,000 calories a day. do not exceed over that.

    walking doesn't really help, if it is not long distances like 20 miles then it won't work unless you don't jog, but since you said you don't have good knees then I don't know what to tell you.

    just don't eat chips and fast foods including sodas.

  5. Don't worry you might be dead tomorrow, eat like there's no tomorrow

  6. All i know is that teenagers should be having 2000-2500 calories a day.

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