
How much can I ask for a used thorowgood dressage saddle?

by Guest31678  |  earlier

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I priced them new and the cheapest I found was 500. I think it might be part synthetic tho, if that makes much difference.. how can you tell? How should I clean it? How much should I sell it for?




  1. Most new saddles are 500 so depending on how much you've used it, and the condition of the saddle then take off some price. If the leather is cracked, the seat needs re-stuffing, or if the back of the saddle has been dropped and there is some leather thats come off that takes down the quality. Before you put it up for sale, you should use saddle soap, and oil it. Basically, try to make it look new. That's what would most likely set it apart from others.

  2. I ate my shorts on mine that I sold at a horse sale back in April.

    It was a Thorowgood maxam and it went for $65.  I about died, the year prior, english saddles were in the $100-500.

    Depending on the condition of it, you can start at $300 and go down.

    Water and a rag is how I cleaned my synthetic

    EDIT-if this is a wide tree, please contact me directly through email.  I really do like Thorowgoods.

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