
How much can I expect Rent Tour 2009 tickets to be.......?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike Buffalo (for mid-mezzanine seats). This is the tour with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal.




  1. Differs from City to City or Theatre So...

    Check with the theatre near to you.

    Visit this site - for cities & venues list.. Get the cheapest thing available. I have purchased wicked tickets Chicago at low prices on internet. I don't know wheteher i have paid much but feel OK with the price avialable and seating. I have compared these prices with some other online ticket selling websites.

  2. It will be at Shea's Performing Arts Center January 13th-18th. They have not announced ticket prices yet but I imagine they will be comparable to what Wicked sold for when it was there and those prices were  $67.50, $49.50, $34.50.

  3. The farewell tour starting Jan 2009?

    Well, the tickets aren't on sale yet. But isn't this going to be in Shea's?

    It might be $30-$90. Expect to pay about $45 for a mezzanine seat because it features Adam and Anthony.

    You're so lucky to be able see the farewell tour! I can't : (

  4. 180 buckaroonys

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