
How much can I expect to get if I sue the man my wife is cheating on me with for alienation of affection?

by  |  earlier

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He is a loser, mid-twenties and lives with his dad!!




  1. Probably nothing.  Let it go.  There is some one much better for you out there.  Take your time and let it happen.  If you stop looking you'll find something better.  You have to prove he did something to alienate her affection for you and none of it was her.

  2. I bet you can get his Nintendo in court!

  3. That's a new one!  Hmmm.  Since it sounds like a purely punitive suit, the sky would likely be the limit.  But, since he lives with his parents, how much do you really think he has to take, and how would you collect it?  The courts won't do it for you.  Best advice, if you and the missus can't patch it up, cut her loose.  Let him have her, and move on with your life.  If you can't let it go, consider seeking counselling.

  4. Why would you want to be with a woman who wants a loser like that?  I say let him have her and good riddance.  

    Lawsuit  have to be kidding.

  5. If you are in one of the few states or countries that allows a suit for alienation of affections, you could obtain a judgment for your losses.  When it comes to actual recovery, you cannot recover more than he has.  If he has nothing, that is what you will recover.

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