
How much can I make at a McDonalds working part time for 7 hours 6 days a week??

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How much can I make at a McDonalds working part time for 7 hours 6 days a week??




  1. If the minimum wage is $6.55...

    7hrs x 6 = 42hrs  that is technically into overtime but you'd need to check how your state handles that.

    But in straight math not taking overtime into account...

    7x6x6.55 = 275.10 is your base pay (gross pay) then you take out taxes which depending on how you sign your W4 would probably be guesstimate of $30? So you'd bring home somewhere in the range of $245.

    But check out to put in your specific info... state, etc.

  2. 7 hours for 6 days is full time

  3. If they'll give you that many hours, it would be 43 times whatever your minimum wage is in your area, since hours over 40 are time and a half.

  4. depends were u live

    uk or usa ?

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