
How much can I sell my iPod for?

by  |  earlier

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I have one of the older iPod nanos, and I was just wondering what I should sell it for. I've had it for about a year, and I've never had any problems with it. I even have the original box it came in and everything. The only problem that I can find with it is that it has a couple of minor scratches on the back, but nothing a little polishing wouldn't fix. I was just wondering how much to sell it for, and do you think I should put everything that it came with back in the box? I probably shouldn't put the headphones in it though, right?




  1. 15 to 30 cents

  2. id say like 30 or 50 bucks..

  3. Agree

  4. 35 to 45?

    If it's damaged it might be worth less.

    But, I'm sure if you've taken care of it pretty well for the most part people will be willing to may more.  

  5. I would check on ebay to see what they are worth. It may take a while to get a good sense of what they are going for. Also, include everything that it came with, this will definitely get more buyers. Be sure to tell of every detail about your iPod, even minor defects. And before selling, use iTunes to reset your iPod to the factory settings.

  6. Look on eBay and all will be revealed...

  7. probly like 40 dollars, but alot more if you have custom firmware on it (so it looks cooler). if you get custom firmware people will probly pay over 100 dollars for it.

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