
How much can a stripper make in San Antonio strip clubs?

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I am looking to do something that will financially support me while I get myself thru school. Would being a stripper be worth it? Please be honest.




  1. well its good money... you cacn make up to 500$ easy if your workin at a good place..sometimes even more..but don't go workin at a trshy club because most of the guys that go in there don't intend to tip well they just want a cheap show ya know... if your gonna do it go to a decent clean place..

  2. Stripping does not pay as much as many people think.

    While multi-hundred dollar nights are possible, there are lots of slow times, and slower clubs. There are lots of strippers who average less than $100.00 a night.

    That being said, Stripping does pay better than many other entry level jobs. But it does suck more when friends and family  bump into you at work.

  3. around $200-$800 a night

  4. Honestly, it's tied. Yes, you will make a lot of money, but you'll be working late and it will hinder on your studies.

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