
How much can i get while im gone?

by  |  earlier

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if i am deployed as a pfc in the army and ive been in 3 yrs, no kids, no wife but i do have a house and i am going to a combat zone for 12 months how much whould i get in base pay and allowances.




  1. Including future garnishments?  

  2. I dont understand why eeryone has to be so rude to other people...honestly. He was just asking a question and all of a sudden ppl are calling him a dirt bag and looking down on him....HOnestly!

  3. PFC over three and going into combat. Are you a PP? (professional private). Sell your house. You're not going to see it again. Dirt Bag.

  4. haha PFC after 3 years, how about a boot out of the military!! sounds like you turned out to be a waste of my taxpayer dollars.

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