
How much can i sell this camera for?

by  |  earlier

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it's a canon powershot A510, 3.2MP, 4X optical zoom




  1. If you are working and itemize your income tax deductions, you may be able to save more by donating your camera.

  2. HI HD:

    At 3.2 MPs,  it will not sell for very much... even if it is a camera in like new condition.   In our world today.... it is all about Bigger,  Better, Cooler,  Newer, Faster...etc.   Because of that bunch of foolishness,  if your camera is working and in good condition, just use it as a back up.  A Canon camera that is 3.2 MPs will give you a nice 8X10 enlargement and is going to be a better camera than some of the new ones coming out now.   And no matter what you might hear.... there are no cell phone cameras that are going to take better pics.   As the TeeNiny lenses do not have the quality to out perform a camera like yours.   If you simply must sell your camera... I have a few suggestions... in your city,  pawn shop, or try at a camera shop that repairs digital cameras.   Again, you will not get much.... maybe $20.00.  That is why I say... use it until it goes out.  

    That is the only way you will get your moneys worth from the camera... but it is a nice one anyway.

    Thanks for reading.

  3. 3.2megapixels?? Not much!!!

    Dont want to sound mean but my cell phone has better resolution & megapixels than than yours!

  4. Most people don't NEED more than 3.2MP anyway... You'll never get a lot for the camera, but you'll do better if you are a smart salesperson and know your product.

    * Tell people that it's a great camera for beginners.

    * Tell them it takes great pictures that make beautiful 4x6 prints.

    * Tell them that with a lower resolution like that camera has, they can get thousands of pictures on a modern 2 GB memory card... which is far more than a camera with a 10MP resolution would get.

    * Tell them that they don't need more megapixels if they intend to only make 4x6 prints or view pictures on the computer or internet.

    * Tell them of all the features it has... like 4x optical is better than many new cameras

    Finally tell them you want $40 for the whole thing including the manual, CD and all that came with it.

    If you get $40... be happy. If you settle for $35... be slightly less happy, but still happy.

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