
How much can one earn working for part time job in Australia..?

by  |  earlier

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job opportunites for internatinal students in australia.




  1. Depends what you're doing. $16 an hour is reasonable, e.g. in a part time shop job etc.

    Otherwise if you're interested in administrative etc jobs, try a temping company, who will place you in temporary jobs for a minimum of around $19 an hour.

  2. International students on student Visas are restricted not in how much they can earn, but in how many hours per week they can work. This is not an unreasonable restriction as they are over here to study, the work is merely to enable them to partially finance themselves.

    I believe it is 20 hours per week during term time but unrestricted during vacation time.

    For all of the answers to all of your questions on visas etc, go to the following very informative government site:

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