
How much can they make?

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I know of several people who are young and on ss disability but they still hold down part time jobs. They are able to work so can they get in trouble for working? I can't seem to find out what their real last names are to report them. Any suggestions?? I'm just tired of people using the system.




  1. Me too! Problem is, the SS people don't check each and every one of these guys! Most of the part, the money they make is Under the Table, so they don't pay taxes.  Some these people could have a mental problem, and have been diagnosed as incapable of holding a job down, therefore they get the money! There's a lot of young people out there on this system, and some are pretty good actors!!

  2. im going thru this same 49, was hurt at work, on worker comp for 2 in the process of deciding if i will supply for Social Security Disability because Im unfamiliar with it, but after posting a question here yesterday I've learned there are 2 different types of disability:

    SSA manages two programs that provide benefits based on disability or blindness, the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

    Social Security Disability Insurance Program

    SSDI provides benefits to disabled or blind individuals who are "insured" by workers' contributions to the Social Security trust fund. These contributions are based on your earnings (or those of your spouse or parents) as required by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Title II of the Social Security Act authorizes SSDI benefits.

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    Supplemental Security Income Program

    The SSI program makes cash assistance payments to aged, blind, and disabled individuals (including children under age 18) who have limited income and resources. The Federal Government funds SSI from general tax revenues. Most states pay a supplemental benefit to individuals in addition to their Federal benefits. Some of these states have made arrangements with us to combine their supplemental payment with our Federal payment into one monthly check to you. Other states manage their own programs and make their payments separately. Title XVI of the Social Security Act authorizes SSI benefits.

    One program is for disabled ppl who have never worked, and the second program is for someone like me, who has worked and can no longer work due to permanent injury.  In your question you mentioned pppl working and collecting disabilty..thats totally legal...a person can work p/t and collect benefits....what they allow u to do is work part $ of money can be made, and you're still legally eligible for benefits...since the amount of money you get for your montly benefit is determined how long you have worked and how much $ you have contributed, i can tell you no one is getting over...the amount i would be paid would only be 1/2 of what i normally would make working....that is why they ALLOW you to work part helps to supplement the amount of benefits you pay...on this plan taxpayers dont pay anything..payment is depenedent on how much you've made in ur lifetime before you became disabiled...

  3. Its not illegally as to what they are doing. To get disability you must first go to a doctor. After the doctors say that you are disabled, then they apply through social security for disability. Then they need to get an attorney and set a court date for a judge to approve the disability. Just because you getting disability does not mean you cannot have a part time job. The judge and doctor work together in determining what type of disability a person should get. Its very personal as to what and why they are on disablitiy and none of your d**n business.

    Then go ahead and report it and let see how far it goes and those people that are investigating are on tax payers payroll. So, lets waste some more of tax payers money on bogus claims. So, far all you have is wild accusations, conjecture and just plain BS.

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