
How much can we earn in Maine, USA?

by Guest33085  |  earlier

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My wife and I are moving to the USA in a couple of years and are having trouble working out how much we will need to earn, to live well in Maine, Initially I would be taking work as high school English teacher, she as a company administrator/PA/HR co-ordinator. Just wondering how much we could expect to earn, and what quality of life this would afford us and our two children. Any advice or answers greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.




  1. It IS the poorest state in the nation.

    Maaybe tourism? Other than that move on

  2. In most parts of the US - there is not a large demand for English teachers only openings that are typical are higher math and science sometimes or Special Education.  You would need to have a license for the state where you plan to teach and credentials.  You can find out the requirements for every state by check each state's Department of Education Website and look in the teacher license requirement area.  HR coordinators - and company administrators  - with so many companies getting smaller likely there are a ton of internal candidates.

    Your best bet is to be open to location and both look for jobs - in a broader and more metropolitan area - who ever gets the best job - guess that's where you should move.   It may well be a 2 step process for you - get here and get work first and then find a part of the country that you like.

  3. Depends on where you are in Maine.  If you are in the south east coastal area - from Kittery to roughly Brunswick then the cost of living will be significantly higher than other parts of the state.  That part of the state just happens to be where the majority of the job are.  For a school teacher, your wages will be set by what ever the teachers union contract is with the school board in the town, but don't expect to be well paid as a teacher.  Just a guess, but an admin job is probably in the range of $15-$20/hr in the greater Portland area.

    School districts in more rural parts of the state might be willing to pay more for a teacher, that's because it's hard to get people to stay there.  

    Maine is great if your into the whole rural, outdoorsy - chop your own firewood, go hunting and fishing way of life. If your into going out to nice restaurants, shows, clubs etc.. Portland is the only town you'll find that in.

    FYI - Vermont is Maine on steroids.

    Look at for info about the greater Portland area. for Kittery to Kennebunk, ME.  If your targeting that area of Maine you should be able to get an idea of what an apartment or house rental will cost by looking at the classifieds.  The realestate market is very depressed here now, it's a good time to look for a home to buy.

  4. I wasn't going to answer this until I saw the other, very negative, posts. While it's true that Maine is considered to be the poorest of the states, one has to take into consideration that the state is huge. The economy is poor in the northern regions of the state where the only major industries are forest management and paper manufacturing. The southern Maine economy is on par with the national average. The expected job growth in Southern Maine is 4 x the national average, and the quality of life has got to be about 1,000 X that of the rest of the nation (my own opinion). If I were you I would look for employment in the Portland area. Maine has one of the most beautiful coastline in the world, and I've seen many coastlines. The people are friendly, the crime rate is low, and housing costs are among the lowest in the states (not, of course, directly on the ocean). I'm sure you and your wife will have no problem finding work in Maine.

  5. Maine is one of the poorest states in the country.  It is very rural and boring.

    Cost of living isn't comparatively low enough to keep up with it's dull economy.

    I actually went there on vacation once, and couldn't leave fast enough.  I mean it is so dull, I can understand how Stephen King (famous author, lives in Bangor, Maine) comes up with those stories of people killing there families.  

    IT"S BORING!  I'm bored just remembering it.

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