
How much cannabis do you consume in a month?

by  |  earlier

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I smoke 2 grams to an 8th O on average. No paper, I smoke it pure in a glass bowl and it opens my mind and raises my spirits. It is a very medicinal thing for me. Enjoyable medicine too!




  1. in a month me and my friends smoke about 1/4lb lol  

  2. None.

  3. Um..I get about a dub twice a do the

  4. About a 1/2 also mostly glass. This varies depending on strength of the medicine too. Sometimes worse in the summer. I also take a simpatico once and a while just to regain my strength back. I find it helps me to be creative, as well as frees me from stress and helps me to settle down at night and get a good nights sleep.

  5. When my boyfriend gets an 8th it doesn't usually last longer than two days.

  6. Unfortunately never enough!

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