
How much cash can you physically take to vietnam?

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How much cash can you physically take to vietnam?




  1. You have to declare cash and gold above a specified amount - I don't have my passport with the declaration card handy, so you can check with the VN embassy or someone else for details.

  2. As you have been told,there is no limit to the amount of cash you can bring in to VN,it is very welcombe.You will be given a landing card either on the plane or at imigration,here you must declare any cash over 7000 usd,along with any gold or expensive items,the reason for this is to stop you taking out more than you brought,which is deffinately not welcombe,in simple terms if you want to take out 500.000usd you must have brought that in in the first place and have declared it.

  3. you can take whatever amount you want IN, but OUT, the max is $10,000 US (or the last time i checked) But you do have to declare with customs.

  4. You can carry as much as you can, but you need to declare with custom.

  5. ..who me..?.... i found the older i get the lighter my back pack must be .. right now i'm can get around pretty good if i stay under 30 lbs...if i take large denomination bills thats usually sufficiant ...

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