
How much cash do you usually keep on you--and why?

by  |  earlier

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(I promise not to rob you).




  1. Usually about $20 cash and I make sure to have a debit card on me.

    I do keep several hundred in the house safe though just in case I need it quickly and can't access the bank.

  2. I usually try to keep between $75 and $150. An amount that if I was robbed wouldn't hurt too much but enough to get me out of a jam.  

  3. $30 because im scared that im going to lose it! :/

    but when i go to the mall with my friends i take about $80 sometimes more!depends on how much money my parents give me! :P

  4. Not much these days. Now that almost everyone takes plastic, I mean you can buy a cup of coffee at D&D with plastic. It's not uncommon for me to go weeks with no cash in my wallet. If I'm going to have food delivered or use valet parking I actually have to plan ahead and make sure I have some cash.

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