
How much cash would you "need" to return a lost cat?

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I am getting personalized cat collars that can read how much the reward is if lost. I could put "cash reward", period. But should I specify???

How much money would YOU need/want in order to return a lost cat if you found it?




  1. Gosh I wouldnt need any reward to a return a pet to it's owner.  I wouldnt specify an amount.  I would just put "reward if found" on it or something to that effect.  

  2. I wouldn't REQUIRE a reward to return an animal to the rightful owner. That's a bit greedy.

    If I lost my pets, I would hope there were people willing to give my pets back, with or without a reward. Not EXPECT something. That's almost like holding a pet hostage for money. Unfair.

    How much would be needed by a greedy person? I was given $50 once for finding someone's cat. She refused to take the money back!

    I would NOT list on the tag/collar how much the reward would be if the cat got lost. As someone else mentioned, people would take advantage of that, and "find" your cat just for the money.

  3. Cats are relatively inexpensive compared to the price you'ld have to pay for a dog, or any other animal. The question, that needs to be asked should only be answered by you. How much is your cat's life worth to you?  Most people will be more than willing to return your cat without a fee or reward...but "most people" does not refer to everyone!

  4. None.

    Unless the cat appeared to be abused I would return it to the owner immediately and never expect a thing.  I've returned a couple dogs and had my own dog found and returned when I was younger, never a reward situation.  

    I think a reward would generally be most helpful in a situation where the animal was already lost.  If it's on the collar couldn't someone just grab up the cat, keep it for a bit, then give it back and expect money?

    If you insist on letting your cats out I'd suggest microchipping them.  They could get collars caught on something and strangle themselves - or just slip out of the collar and leave it behind.  Most vets and shelters know to check for microchips.  Then if they get lost put up reward signs.  

  5. None and most finders would agree with that unless plane fare is required and the owner could arrange to purchase the ticket and have it waiting at my local airport for shipping.  At the same time, owner could arrange for a carrier rental or I could take a chance and loan mine so cat could make it home.

  6. I would NOT put an amount... there are people (bad)  in your neighborhood that will trap your cat and then demand money...


    If you do offer a reward (ON A SIGN ONLY)  it should be around $200 and MAKE SURE TO GET THEIR LICENCE INFORMATION... AND MAKE SURE THE CAT IS ALIVE.

    good luck

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