
How much cement should you put in the post for chainlink fencing?

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I am installing chainlinnk fence 4' high and I am traying to figure how much cement is needed per post? I am putting them about 15" deep.




  1. Let’s see, most post holes diggers make a 10”, or larger hole, also the inside of tube/post will be full of concrete.

    Some straight forward math, 3.14*(15/2)^2*15=2,308 in^3  

    Then 2,308/1,728 = 1.3 cu. Ft. per post at least.

    Depending on the numbr of post you can estimate the number of bags of ready mix concrete you will need.  An 80 pound sack makes about 3/4 cu. ft.

  2. The posts should have about 2' in the ground.  For a 4' fence, I usually use one 80lbs bag per post.

  3. I'm not why people feel the need to use so much concrete. I put in a fence using NO concrete. I used a large hammer ( or small sledge ) to drive the poles into the ground. I put them as deep as I could ( 18" ) and cut off the top couple of inches that was damaged from hammering. Attach the top runner pipes, then attached the fencing.

    That fence was still there 10 years later when I moved. The only need for concrete is to keep the poles from being pulled up. You know something....I've never seen a dog pull a fence up at the poles.

    If you feel the need...then concrete every other one.

  4. Usually I figure 5 feet out of the ground and 3 feet in the ground. A lot of your depth depends on the winds and soil conditions.

  5. Tamp dirt around the pole up to about 8 inches from top of hole. Fill the rest of hole with concrete. Not only will this hold the post secure,grass won't grow around the pole.

  6. put a 40 bag for your end poles and about 20 for your support ones remember soils are different for different areas

  7. When your done digging your hole reach down and scoop out some dirt around the bottom, this helps prevent frost heave. Good Luck!

  8. Back in my younger years I built fences for a living.  

    We cemented in the corner and end post completely as they were the most important.  You don't want them to move when you start stretching the chain link.  

    As for the line post in most cases we drove them in and maybe capped them with a few inches to prevent grass from growing around the post and in some cases we didn't cement them at all.  The line post are there to just hold the fence up.  When you stretch the chain link the line post will be pulled in line with the corner or end post so the need to cement them isn't the same.

    Ultimately we built the fence the way the customer wanted it built.  If he or she wanted the post cemented that's what we did.

    For your project you have to take into account your comfort level and do what you are comfortable with.

    Just a note: you mentioned your depth was 15", it is pretty important to make sure your post and the cement (unless it is just a cap to prevent grass from growing) is below the frost line.  If it isn't you run a chance they will move over time.  Where I lived at the time our frost line was 18" but where I live now it's 12".

    Good Luck with your project

  9. Enough to hold it up.

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