
How much cervical mucus does an average person have before getting Af ? I have alot could that mean im?

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pregnant ?




  1. It can really vary, but it can be normal to get quite alot of creamy white discharge before af.  I am currently ttc and saw that discharge last month and got all excited, but ofcourse, af showed.  It also doesn't mean that ur not preggo, u just have to take a test when it's time to know for sure.  Good luck and baby dust 2 u!

  2. Not necessarily. The cervix/v****a secretions increase with ovulation so that could be it. I personally get TONS of mucus during my ovulation period - so its just something you kind of have to wait out and see.

    But is it clear or white milky color??

    They say a white milky color can be an early indication of pregnancy but lets hope not because I had some of that earlier today.

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