
How much chaos will my fellow disenfranchised create during the RNC?

by Guest32531  |  earlier

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For those that don't like big words (AKA Neocons)

Main Entry: dis·en·fran·chise

Pronunciation: \ˌdis-in-ˈfran-ˌchīz\

Function: transitive verb

: to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity; especially : to deprive of the right to vote




  1. As much as they want to, the Saint Paul cops make the Keystone cops look good, the Minneapolis cops will just spray bullets at everyone

  2. Probably a lot because the unemployed have little else to do with their time. BTW, speaking of disenfranchised, how about ACORN handing in now...hmmmm, what was it up to now? 22%? Yup, 22% of ACORNs voter registration cards they've submitted in Milwaukee have turned out to be fake. Guess who they work for? Hmmmmm...

    Funny, in 2004 there were 4000 more votes than registered voters. Hmmmm...Democrats fight voter ID tooth and nail. Why? Can't win without fraud?

    MY VOTE is disenfranchised by the Democrats in WI in every election. Also, why was Obama fighting to the death to make sure Florida and Michigan Democrat's votes didn't count.

    I think you should check your facts on who does the disenfranchising, lol. Lemme help for those that don't like big words

    Main Entry: Dem-o-crat-s

  3. You'll be 2.3 miles away so I don't think it'll make too much of a difference....

    You d**n domestic insurgents...hahahaha

  4. about the same as the skin heads, mohawks, and braid heads running around at the dnc. they are a non issue for both. get over it.

  5. Disenfranchised from what, and how, and by who?

    My, you do certainly think a lot of yourself.

    Is "disenfranchised" a noun now? I can only find it listed as an adjective. So where's the noun it is modifying?

    It's back to elementary school grammar class for you!

  6. I suggest as much as possible.

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