
How much child maintenance will i get?

by  |  earlier

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my ex partner is refusing to give any money for child support, im going to call the child support agency and fill out forms so they can make him pay, how much will he have to pay if hes earning around 18k?




  1. Oooo! 18k aint a whole lot. Not very much Im afraid. Im going to give you a piece of advice for the future.... relationships are like a business youre trying to run. If his money aint right dont invest. Ive had to learn alot of things the hard way, thats one of them. Most men end up in relationships on accident when they were actually just trying to get s*x. That being the case only have a kid, get married, call yourself being in love ,when the bottomline looks good. It looks like youll be struggling to take care of this child, put it that way.

  2. i have no idea but btw, i had a mate that worked at the csa and he said nothing ever gets done unless you make a formal complaint about the csa. so if it takes ages then try that.

  3. They can not necessarily make him pay.  They told me to pay them arrears of £4000 and a weekly amount and they made all kinds of threats if I did not pay.  I just told them to ***** off.  I will never pay.

  4. 20% take home pay less travel expenses to place of work. This is reduced by 15% for every child he has living with him. So best case I think you'd be getting about £200/month but it may be less depending on the above factors

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