
How much coal does it take to run an average PC for 1 hour?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just wondering.




  1. It would be about 50 grams, assuming a 100W PC (0.1 kWh), and using the formula in Wiki where 1 kg of coal would create about 2 kWh of power.

  2. If it's nutty slack, 2cwt .

  3. I could only fit seven or eight pieces inside the case, and when I lit them, the ******* thing just went bang & stopped working - d'oh!

    However, it's managed to warm the living room for a couple of hours, bit smokey though.....

  4. i dont know, but wouldn't it be easier to just plug it in wall socket?

  5. Sorry Mike but your doing it all wrong. You need to plumb it in to your gas supply - that way it warms up quicker.

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