
How much coffee is too much??

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is it terrible for you?




  1. 4 cups is too much. Each serving of coffee has 85mg of caffeine and possibly more. So just 3 will give you 255mg of caffeine. The maximum safe amount of caffeine we should consume in a day is 300mg.

  2. over 4 cups a day according to my doctor. under that it may even have some benefits.

  3. i would keep it to a maximum of 3 i had 3 cups of coffee and a red bull once and my body couldn't handle it. i was jittery couldnt even talk in full sentences and my urine was the darkest yellow youd ever see. and when i say 3 i mean over the course of a whole day not in the course of an hour like i did

  4. When your ears start ringing, you've had too much. But I think the average intake for a "user" is around 100-180 micrograms.

  5. everywhere you turn, you can find benefits for drinking coffee (i just read the other day that 3 grande cups(16 oz each) a day may prevent skin cancer!).  coffee isn't really too bad (except on your teeth... eesh); it's the caffeine you need to watch out for.  try decaf or if that gives you headaches try asking for half caf.

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