
How much community service should a 14 year old do weekly?

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I usually do 4-6 hours a week.




  1. Many 14 yr olds don't do any. So, 4-6 hours sounds fine. Whatever amount of hours that suits you, will be the best, naturally.

  2. Unless they have to for school,why would they want to do any?I think that's a terrible thing that some of these schools are doing by making it mandatory to graduate.

  3. as much as possible!! you can lways do with more volunteering =))

  4. 4-6 hours sounds good, you could always volunteer more during school holidays, teacher work days and during the summer.  If your grades start to drop, then you need to cut back on your volunteer hours until your grades improve.

    I commend you for being 14 and volunteering on a regular basis, it's a great way to learn new skills and meet people that may help you in the future.  Your parents did a wonderful job raising you!

  5. 4-6 is the perfect amount for an eighth grader(?).

    Now, the question is What kind of comm serv do you do?

    I suggest trying a wide range of things to see what you might want to study in college. As you get older, you should gradually focus on a particular field.

    Especially if you want to go into medicine, it is very important that you spend some time at the local hospital. Nine times out of ten people who are set on being a doctor/nurse change their minds after just one day with patients.

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