
How much corn is used to make 100 gallons of ethanol?

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it seems like the perfect fix for the present problem; but will it stand up to the demand? Sugar cane plants in Brasil even burn the cane bits left over to power their plants. Do ethanol plants run on ethanol? Does ethanol burn faster than gasoline?




  1. NOT the perfect fix! Enough corn to feed you for a WHOLE WEEK (think about how many products are corn based) will only make 1 gallon of ethenol. That's why we're having a wheat crisis right now.

  2. Listen Corn causes Cancer and should be banned for human and animal food.

    Landfill waste are to become the new way to make ethanol and biodiesel.

    Give it time.Its better than buying oil from people who would rather cut off your head.

  3. It's not a fix to our energy dependence problem.  It doesn't make a good fuel because it's energy-intensive, and because we're using it as fuel, there's less to use as feed - or to can and sell at grocery stores.  So, we have a very limited amount of ethanol filling stations, it increases food prices, and it's not a good fuel.

    I just don't think growing our fuel is the best idea.

  4. The amount of corn in 1 gallon of ethanol could feed a man for a year....

  5. i read that to fill up one suv with 100% ethanol(from corn one of the least efficient ways of getting ethanol) would use a years supply of corn.

    also the royal society of chemistry said that a flight from london to new york would require a year supply of corn from 30 soccer fields

  6. do not use ethonal!

    thanks to that people in africa are dieing of hunger becuase were using the corn for a car@!#$%^&*


    it makes me so mad

  7. a lot... I'm not sure how much but my teacher told us that it's a lot

  8. 1 bushel of corn to produce 2.75 gallons of ethanol.  Ethanol has less fuel content than gasoline.

    Ethanol does not work because we are diverting 30% of the US corn to fuel instead of food. People are starving everyday because they cannot afford to buy food. The World Health

    Organization estimates 600,000 people will starve to death this year and all so we can fill our cars. Doesn't make sense.

  9. Ethanol is a bad idea all the way around if we use corn as the plant to make it from. To make 100 gallons of ethanol you need about 2 acres of land. There is no where near enough land to satisfy the need for fuel. For ethanol to be viable we need a different plant source. Also you will get worse mpg's with ethanol. Right now its just a bad idea.

  10. About 37 bushels, or if an acre produces 200 bushels about a fifth of an acre.  But it also produces much more.

    There is a huge myth out there of food vs fuel.  Most of it is propaganda promulgated by Oil interests, many of them foreign.  

    Some of the by-products of ethanol production are animal feed, corn syrup and carbon dioxide. You could have a soda pop plant next to an ethanol plant and have carbonation and sweetener right next door.

    A big ice cream plant in Iowa gets its corn syrup from ethanol plants. and throughout the midwest cattle still eat the corn that is left over after ethanol production. that corn-fed beef is still corn-fed.

    from website:

    Myth: Ethanol production wastes corn that could be used for food.

    Fact: In 2001, U.S. farmers produced 9.5 billion bushels of corn and only 600 million bushels are currently used in ethanol production. Fact is, there's no shortage of corn, and the ethanol market could expand significantly without negatively impacting its availability. Besides, ethanol production uses field corn, most of which is fed to livestock, not humans. Only the starch portion of the corn kernel is used to produce ethanol. The vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber are converted to other products such as sweeteners, corn oil and high-value livestock feed, which helps livestock producers add to the overall food supply.

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