
How much corruption is caused by Mafia groups in the US

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How much corruption is caused by Mafia groups in the US




  1. not as much you'd think,

    think Wall St, not Mulberry St.

  2. A good source would be John McCain, after all he threw a birthday party for Joe Bonnano.

  3. Not anywhere near as much as is caused by the Republithug Party. Not even close.  

  4. Very little outside of major citties, and even there, the corruption is small.

  5. Not much now, They are on vacation, It will pick up when they get Five Weeks, PELOSI REED Family makes Capone Mob look like Angels

  6. very little

  7. way less than our own governmentt.. and citizens

  8. Organized crime corruption is usually on the local level, they can only dream of the level of influence and corruption caused by big corporations with well funded lobbyists.

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