
How much cost a private creche in dublin?

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My son is 7 months old and i would like to find a creche where to leave him in case i will find a job.I will move in Ireland (from Spain) in mid of September.Its worth to leave him into a creche or better to hire a babysitter?

In Ireland exist public creches or playgroups and how long takes to put the child in?




  1. In dublin2 you can  pay up to 950 euros a week yes a week  good look with your move to Ireland.

  2. We'll babysit for ya. Just bring a bottle of the Jameson stuff with you everyday when you drop him off to us...........

  3. Nurseries in Dublin are very expensive, expect to pay between  Ã¢Â‚¬190 (in Dublin 10) to €240 (in Dublin 20).

    While there are no public creches in Ireland as a working parent you can claim back tax credits which help.

    These websites might help you find what you're looking for.

    If you look for a nursery registered with the NCNA  (National Children's Nurseries Association) you can't go too wrong.

    ¡Buena Suerte y que vaya bien en Dublin!  Lo siento, mi español es muy malo.


    ¡de nada!

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