
How much could I buy with this much money in russia?

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how much stuff will i be able to buy with 22,065.649 roubles, will i be able to shop at the malls and have stuff and live in an expensive hotel and stuff




  1. It converts to about 950 US Dollars.  An expensive hotel will cost you anywhere between $100 - $300 per night (depending on what city/state you are in).  It will get about 3 to 4 nights stay and only a small amount of shopping.

  2. maybe. Im russian and the prices got higher and higher. so im not quite sure

  3. There are two countries in russia

    One outside the MKAD one inside

    One inside is clean and as or more expensive as uerope so your 1000 bucks will buy you 3-7 nights in a hotel with maybe some food

    One outside is the real russia where you could probably live up to a month with all the groceries and maybe even travel

  4. ahaha lol maybe somewhere in Suberia, yes.. But not in Moscow.. omg expencive hotel? noo way.. Moscow is the most expencive city in the world.. sorry dude

  5. Average prices in Moscow:

    Half liter beer in pub - 200 rub.

    Lunch (in chains rrestaurant) - 300 rub.

    Matreshka (10 dolls, handmade) - 1000-1500 rub.

    Bottle of vodka - 100 rub (economy label) - 1000 (premium label)

    ice-cream - 25 rub

    bread - 25 rub


    more particularly, pls...

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