
How much could I get for all of these games plus systems?

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Slim (Black) Ps2 (Excellent Condition)

35 PS2 games and about 7 or 8 demo discs

8 MB memory card

2 PS2 controllers

Game Boy Advance (Classic) (Good condition)

8 GBA Games

Purple Gamecube (Excellent Condition)

3 Gamecube Controllers

18 Gamecube games with 1 demo disc




  1. just call gamestop

  2. i dont know but you are better going to sell them on ebay because you can get a lot more money than gamestop because gamestop will give you less to make money for them self

  3. it's hard to say. sell them on ebay you will get more money. also sell them seperately, this will also get you more money. but i would say around $500-$600. because all three of those systems are pretty cheap now and the games, well those are pretty cheap as well

  4. I am not quite sure. It may depend on how old the games are and their condition, but you'll probably get a good amount of money if you have a good buyer.

  5. not sure... but a good amount.

    Im actually looking to buy a slim PS2, controller and memory card... give me some info might be willing to buy.

    what games do you have?

    email me at  

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