
How much could an advertisement on Google Home page be worth ?

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How much could a company (such as Nike, McDonald's, Toyota, Coca-Cola) pay to have its logo on the Google home page for one day?

Could it be worth more than an ad space in the Super Bowl?

I know that it is not possible but i wonder how it could work.

If you're working in ad or big communication company, please write some information, i'm really curious about it.




  1. It would never ever ever ever happen.

    There would be no call for it and it definitely would never be allowed.

    For a 24 hour period it could be worth in excess of 100 million dollars I envision. The knock on effect to the value of the brand would effect Google most negatively though as I think in the long term it would the advertising brand if it was such as Nike or any other bluechip.

    Long term I think this would have a massive negative effect on both brands as it would be unprecedented and there would obviously be under handed goings on which people would be suspicious of.

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