
How much could i sell him for?

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i have a 13.3 hh POA pony named hootie (:He is a very good horse and very quiet!He can be ridden western and english and has jumped before at about 2'8 with ease and plenty of potential to go higher.he is 100% sound and barefoot .He is 15 and still going very strong!You would think he is about 10. I can ride him in a very mild hackamore but i prefer riding him in a western reining bit.He has a very nice trot (if your english) for people learning to post.He loads in the trailer like a DREAM no problems what so ever.He is exteremly safe and i trail ride so nothing spooks him, I have never taken him in an arena but his previous owner that was all she had.He does very well on cross ties or being tacked up in a stall not tied up to anything.He is pretty wasy to catch (walks right up to you).He is good out alone or with other horses.Never gotten a buck or rear from him if something scares him i let him stare at it fr a little while then he is fine.How much should I sell him for in the U.S




  1. Ah, he's a cutie! He sounds like he'd be good for children learning to ride. I'd ask about $3500-$4500, and if he doesn't sell within a month, drop the price about $500. Also, I'd make the price negotiable, so that if someone wants to say, "Hey, how about we make it $3000," they know you'd be up to it. Normally, I'd say $5000-$6000, but the market is so down, you'll be lucky to get over $4000 for him. Good luck!

  2. He seems like a really good pony!  seems like a good first horse too :)

    its too bad your selling him! I'd say he is a keeper! any reason why your selling him?

    anyways,back to the subject... I think he'd be good for 4000$ . and if he doesn't sell in a month (which he probably wont-he's so darn adorable!)drop the price 500$ or so.  What I would do is maybe put a price on him that you feel comfortable with, and then put negotiable ,beside it.

    good luck finding him a great home, he deserves a great one!

  3. I would say arounf $4000/$5000. Like the previous poster said, post him high, then if he doesn't sell drop the price $500 each time.

  4. the only reasons i could think your selling him is that hes too big for you, poor, going to college? he looks great, maybe around $2000-3000, maybe a little more. if he doesnt sell in the next 3 months, lower the price by about 500$. what breed is he? if he isnt registered, you may not be able to sell him for much.

    to love, love me do- horse business sucks, she may be able to sell him for that much, i doubt it, no offense. more people are selling cuz theyre too poor or dont have the room, even though they can board him.

  5. It depends on what part of the country you are trying to sell him, down in the south where I am, a younger horse with the same qualities sold for $400, at the horse sales even $125.

    There are dumb people in this world that think if they pay $3000 for a horse that makes it better.  

    I highly doubt you will get the 2,000-6,000 that love,love me do and Amber suggested.  

    I would also question how much you paid for him....if you paid over 1K for him, then obviously you won't want to take $400.  

    But as I said, depends on where you're trying to sell him,

    for instance last week I bought a 7 yr old 17 hand TB mare that is tatooed and raced for $200.....and she's dead broke and perfect!!!!

    Good luck with selling your pony!

  6. I would say 7,000-8,000 try selling him to a schooling barn they are more likely to need a bombproof pony, and remember ask for 8,000 first remember he is 15 just bec. he act 10 doesn't mean he is.

    hope this helps....please best answer this!

  7. If he is such a good horse why wood u want 2 sell him?

  8. He's really cute!!!  I would say anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000.  Maybe more, maybe less.  But he looks like a GREAT kid's pony.  I used to know a horse that was similar in qualities (he couldn't jump, but he was 40 and nothing spooked him-ridden by a 6 year old), and I think that they got him for something like 7,000, but I could be wrong.

  9. $3,500 - $4,900. The horse market sucks right now, that's why I would say that price range. If the market wasn't so bad, I would say $5,000-$6,000. It's good that he does Western and English, jumps, and acts like he's 10. Usually a horse's performance peak is between 8 and 12. Your pony is 15, which would only lower the price a little bit. Anyway he sounds like a nice, safe pony and he should sell quickly.

    ETA: I just used a calculator for him. This is the price range for POA geldings, age 10-15, between 12.3 and 14.1 hands, in the US and Canada: It won't let me post the link of the actual result, so you'll have to plug in the search criteria.

  10. Sounds like a superb kids pony!  I sold my LOUD marked POA gelding (14H) that was BROKE BROKE -(seen the country side) for 1500.  We are located in Midwest - where the market isn't super strong - and good kid/cattle broke horses are hard to find - so he was a priced pretty high!  Depending on how badly you need to sell him you might start at 1500-2000 and see what kind of bites you get - be sure to place him online and use good photos of you riding etc... even video if possible! IT HELPS ALOT!

    EDIT - forgot to mention he looks part Arab???? Is he registered?  Being a gelding it doesn't matter!  You can't breed him - so papers shouldn't affect his price much - except to verify age -

  11. If I had the money and a place to board a horse, I'd snap him up in ah eart beat. :] He's so pretty!

    Anyways, with the current horse market, You can't expect to get a whole lot out of him. YOu can maybe get 1500-2000 maybe a bit more or a bit less.

  12. i would say 5,000-6,000

    i hope you find a good place for him

  13. He is very cute...and sounds like a great, safe pony for a child.  And a great first pony for someone.

    Have you looked on some of the internet selling sites to see what others are listed at?  Unfortunately, horse prices are down and many a horse can be bought at a rescue for less $$$..although your guy has a traceable history.

    Is he registered?

    Also, just a suggestion..he is very cute but has a little of a "rough" look to him as far as grooming.  I would clean him up  little..trim bridle path, fetlocks, so he has more of a "refined" look.  First impressions count in photographs.  I would put a nice leather halter on him and make him stand squared for his new photo session...make him look like he is worth a million dollars!!

    I can be critical of size of rider vs horse and look good on him...but I know sometimes it's just time to move on.  Just be sure to check who and where he is going to!!

    Best of luck!!

  14. Oh my gosh I want him!Well I cant and that really sucks I would pay for him (lowest price) $1.00 and highest price about lets see...$7,000.00.But I cant have a horse I ride them every week though and have been for around 5 years western and some english for like a month or two...

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