
How much credence do you give to lunar phase natal astrology?

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  1. Alot - cos its true for me.

    I have a basalmic moon as well, and I am always looking in the sidelines - basically a non actor in this game of life. I used to think I was too majorly detached, but then lunar phases sort of explained it and I learned to appreciate that part of me.

  2. lots and lots...............

    There is a great book by Donna Cunningham - "Moon Signs, The Key to Your Inner Life."  It is an old book but has great information and is easy reading.  It convinced me.

    good link btw.

  3. None. Period. Astrology, and its ilk, are all just imaginary.

  4. Lots.  Dane Rudhyar covers this quite well.

    Also, the phases between any two planets can be important.  See Jeff Green's Pluto books on this.  

    I have a balsamic moon.

  5. Yes, we're inseparable from phases - from personal, interpersonal and transpersonal levels.  

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