
How much cups(red plastic ones) of vodka would i have to drink to get drunk?

by Guest64047  |  earlier

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i am 16. 130lbs. 5'10. and no i am not goin to drink any. i was just wondering




  1. if you have one full cup of straight vodka, you'll get alcohol poisoning.  vodka has a muck higher alcohol content than beer.

  2. forget cups!

    drink the whole bottle

    haha just kidding

    you shouldnt even be drinking

    but i guess it dont mattter

    my brother 17 and he drink a lil not that much

  3. Well I am a 45 year old alcoholic. So I would say for you, only one. But don't waste your life or your time. I have been trying to stop drinking for the last eight years and I always drink Vodka. Please be smarter than me.

  4. Vodka has a high proof. Some people can get drunk from just one shot (a couple of ounces). I'm guessing if you don't usually drink the stuff 1/2 or 1/4 of a cup would do it for you.

  5. Well it depends. The larger you are, the better your body handles alcohol. Alcohol also loses some of its potency if consumed with food.

    I am guessing that you are not much of a drinker, juding by the nature of this question. That too means you are more sucsceptible to alcohol.

    If you are a medium sized non drinker consuming straight Vodka without food, I would say 3 ounces would get you a nice buzz, and more could be dangerous. But check the proof on the bottle. All Vodka is pretty strong, but there are som mnor variations.  

  6. it all depends on your tolerance for it.

    you shouldn't be drinking right now anyways

  7. 1/2 dork!!!!!

  8. Less than one and watch out!  Vodka is one of the most addictive alcohols made.

    Believe me, I know.

  9. haha...half a cup.

  10. straight vodka??

    just'll be feeling pretty f'd up 1/2 way thru that cup

    and please pase yourself i got alcohol poisioning from drinking almost a full bottle of vodka alone

  11. 1, maybe not even that

  12. Hahah!

    Wow that's a lot of vodka.

    Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of that type of cup.


  13. Of straight vodka?  Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of one.

  14. they make various sizes of that red plastic cup your talking about you know.

    I don't drink so I would so no thank you.

  15. 1

  16. One clean one.

    No mix in it.

    You'll be ******.

    good luck =]

  17. Hmm, that's hard to believe... But if you must know, it's probably around 3-8. This can vary greatly between people.

    c**p! Vodka?! Oh, sorry. I thought you said beer!

  18. I think that the red cups are 16 oz.'s so 4 ounces would definetly even make me feel all right.  So just a 1/4 cup of straight vodka would do you good if you drank it in less than 20 minutes.

  19. Not even one. half of one!!

  20. Depends on how often you drink. You'd start feeling it after about a third, and probably be drunk between 1/2 and 2/3 of the cup. A whole one would be past drunk.. And since you're thin, you'd probably get sick.

  21. Your probably a lightweight  so id say 1 or maybe even less depending on how big the cups are.

  22. A half of one. That will make you legally drunk.

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