
How much current (amperage) can an RJ11 phone jack handle?

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Responce to Answer #1. If the current rating of the jack would be dependent on voltage, then why can regular wire be rated for current with out reference to voltage.

Copper wire resistance table

AWG Feet/Ohm Ohms/100ft Ampacity* mm^2 Meters/Ohm Ohms/100M

10 490.2 .204 30 2.588 149.5 .669

12 308.7 .324 20 2.053 94.1 1.06

14 193.8 .516 15 1.628 59.1 1.69

16 122.3 .818 10 1.291 37.3 2.68

18 76.8 1.30 5 1.024 23.4 4.27

20 48.1 2.08 3.3 0.812 14.7 6.82

22 30.3 3.30 2.1 0.644 9.24 10.8

24 19.1 5.24 1.3 0.511 5.82 17.2

26 12.0 8.32 0.8 0.405 3.66 27.3

28 7.55 13.2 0.5 0.321 2.30 43.4

These Ohms / Distance figures are for a round trip circuit. Specifications are




  1. You need to know the voltage in order to determine that.  You would have, or can determine the resistance.

  2. I do not know the threshold for an rj11, but very little amprage is passed thru the phone lines, about 1/2 an amp if i remember correctly...

    48VDC "on hook"

    ~12VDC "off hook"

    ~90VAC ringing voltage

    the AWG of the UTP wiring varies, but is around 22-24AWG

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