
How much damage am I doing?

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I sleep with my contacts on. Thier meant to be took off every night but I usually go 3 or so days beofre I take them off. Will I do some kind of ireverisable damage to my eyes?




  1. Just for fun, look these up:

    Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

    Corneal Neovascularization

    Corneal Ulcers

    Finding pictures of them would help as well. These are most commonly caused by over wearing of contacts. They are very very serious, sometimes they all can cause irreversable dammage so that you can never wear contacts again, and in some instances complications from these can lead to blindness. People who over wear their contacts cause themselves major amounts of grief in the long run. It is just not worth it. Do not do it. Ask your doctor to fit you with contacts that are meant to be slept in...they have different kinds of plastic that breathe differently and are made for that specific use.  They are expensive, but will keep you healthier in the long run.

  2. yes, you can get corneal ulcers.  They form because no oxygen or blood gets to this part of the eye.  Infections can occur too.  I sometimes sleep with mine in.  No damage yet.  just went to the eye doctor.  i am 27

  3. I don't think suggesting that he get contacts that are approved to sleep with is a good idea...

    He will leave them in forever.

    If you can't follow the rules with regular lenses , you will abuse any type until you pay for it...big time.

  4. yes

  5. ooh! Yes, you are doing A LOT of damage to your eyes. I have been wearing contact since I was 13 and I am now 22. I had an eye apt 3 weeks ago and the Dr told me if I don't stop sleeping with my contacts in, there wont be a single eye Dr who will prescribe me contacts by the time I am 25. I actually have to wear my glasses 1/2 the time now so my eyes can heal. If you truly just cannot remember to take your contacts out at night, you need to switch to the contacts that are meant to be left in over night.

  6. Let me tell you a true story.

    There was this man who was just like you. After some time he went to my friend's optical shop, my friend, who is an optimist, discovered that his eyes can no longer wear contacts. This is because sleeping with your contacts on damaged the outer layer of the eyes, and this outer layer of the eye cannot be seen with a naked eye.

  7. You could get a serious eye infection or and this is more likely, end up with corneal abrasions.  Corneal abrasions can cause blindness.  

    It just takes 2 minutes to take out your contact every night.   If  you don't  you might have to take the seeing eye dog out for a walk instead.

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