
How much damage have Obama's attacks on US businesses done?

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How much damage have Obama's attacks on US businesses done?




  1. A record deficit is insignificant.  Our economy is in free fall.  We just passed the 30th floor and nothing bad has happened.  Vote McSame... McBush!

  2. Not much that I can tell.

    If you take the time to do any research - you can plainly see that what Sen. Obama says and what he votes  is like most big business has nothing to worry about because there will be no change to business as usual Washington style.

    Sen Obama's attacks on oil companies is one example..... the 2005 Energy Bill he voted for  that included billions of dollars in unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry.

    Sen. Obama also forgets to tell voters he agreed with President Bush on this legislation but Sen McCain voted against it .

  3. I can agree with the above poster.  I would like to see a link or a story or just a person revelation from you, the asker, as to why you think that he has caused any damage whatsoever.  I am not an Obama supporter, in fact, just the opposite, however, I am not sure if saying he has hurt US businesses is a valid statement without some kind of story behind it.  

    edit: not attempting to insult the asker or anyone else.  I am just curious to see where this idea originated from, even if it is a personal feeling from the asker.

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