
How much damage should the earth expect from the universal alignment and shifting of gravitational poles?

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is there any chance for survival on the surface when this occurs? considering the entire surface will be shifting, cracking and changing it's entire structure due to the reversal.




  1. Read the book of Revelation.


    Why did your government build this?

  2. She is not stupid per se.  She has simply been influenced by stupid tabloid shows that prey on the ignorant.

    Please, girl, get one of the dozens of books on astronomy from your library and learn real stuff.  You are making a fool of yourself because you don’t know anything.

  3. You have to understand that the things that you are asking about are known to be impossible.

    We also know that there are charlatans who are going around trying to make people believe that these things exist (like the universal alignment, a shift of poles, planet Nibiru and so on).

    We've also had a rash of people posing as "innocent questioners" just to try and reel in a few more would-be believers.

    What does not help you is that you are using words that are very similar to words used by those who are doing this.

    There is no such thing as a universal alignment.  There cannot be an alignment of the Sun with the Galactic centre.  At best, the Sun will appear to be as close as 5.5 degrees from the direction of the Galactic centre (which is really 25,000 light-years away).  This "almost alignment" happens every single year, around December 21.

    It will happen in 2012 and it will continue to happen after.

    It cannot have any effect on Earth (Otherwise, it would have had an effect every year).

    Gravitational poles are called masses.  The Earth is a mass.  Therefore it has a gravitational field that pulls other objects.  That is the only direction that a gravitational field works.  It cannot work in any other direction.  Period.

    No shift.  No alignment. No reversal. No planet on its way here.

    There is not even a calendar ending.  The Mayan's Long Count calendar is simply starting a new long count.  It is just like our own calendar "ending" on Dec. 31, 1999 and starting anew on Jan. 1, 2000.

  4. Didn't I just answer this in Earth Science?

    As I said before:

    The "Universal alignment" is presumably the alignment of the earth sun and Galactic Center - it will not cause any pole shifts - there is no physical reason why it should.

    The gravitational field of the earth doesn;t have poles.

    The Earth has two sets of poles - magnetic and rotational.

    The magnetic poles move all the time.

    There is a geologic record that shows it has happened many times in our past but not at regular intervals. Time between reversals can be 10000 yrs or a million years.

    However - we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process - if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

    The latest hypothesis is that the Earth's magnetic field gets chaotic, with lots of north and south poles - so we still have a magnetic field, but compasses will be useless. And then it straightens itself back out, but with north and south reverse.

    This is actually similar to what the sun does - but the sun does it on a regular 11 year cycle.

    As for when it will happen - those people that observe the magnetic field think it will go through its chaotic thing and reverse some time soon based on how it is currently behaving, but that is a hypothesis waiting for the event to occur to be tested, and the exact date certainly is not known.

    Now for the rotational axis and its shift:

    The axis of the earth does wobble on several known timescales. These wobbles are known as the Milankovic cycles.


    Basically the axis of the earth’s rotation does not always point to Polaris (the Pole Star); and we are not always inclined at 23.5 deg. So the poles do move relative to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun, and relative to the stars – but the shifts are minor.

  5. The "universal alignment" is a term made up by non-scientists who want to sell you a book or get you to visit their websites.  It usually refers to the fact that the solar system crossed the galactic plane in about 1998, which is "more or less" 2012, which is the time of the end of the Mayan "long count" in their calendar.  It is all mystical nonsense with no scientific basis whatsoever.

    There was no effect on the earth, predicted or measured, during the galactic plane crossing.

    There are no such things as "gravitational poles."

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