
How much days are in a month that you can get pregnant ??

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i thought it was only 2 days before and after your period




  1. Ovulation occurs around 14 days before your NEXT period, and you'll be most fertile starting about 5 days before until 2 days after this expected ovulation date. So if you're regular, you can plan accordingly. However, if you have short cycles, this means you're pretty fertile right after your period (eg: a 24-day cycle ovulates on CD10 and you're fertile from CD5 which could be right at the end of your cycle.) If you're irregular it will be harder to pinpoint, but it's possible to get pregnant at any time in your cycle (unless you're triggering ovulation or something and are totally in control of the process. In other words, there is no SAFE time in a cycle!

  2. You could fall pregnant on any of the 52 days of the year. You are most fertile when ovulating, but woman still get pregnant when not

    Jill you cant hey? Then tell me why my partner was away 4 years ago, and we had s*x before he left (was just finishing my period) and the next month I was pregnant!

    If you don't know about the issue, then maybe you shouldn't reply.

    You can get pregnant when not ovulating, its just more rare to when you are

  3. Well you can get pregnant at any time during the month, but it all depends on your body. Typically, you ovulate about 14 days after your period starts, so you are most fertile around that time.  But everyone is different.

  4. Those are usually among  the LEAST fertile times.

    You can actually conceive during roughly a 24 hour period -- from the moment the egg is released until it disintegrates about 24 hours later.

    But sperm can live in your body for up to 5 days, so there is roughly a 6 day period of time when s*x can lead to pregnancy.

    Most woman ovulate about 14 days before their NEXT period ... so it should be pretty obvious that by 2 days before your period the egg has long since died -- and 2 days after your period is probably too soon -- the sperm will die before the egg arrives.

  5. You're wrong.  You can only get pregnant for a few days around ovulation, which typically occurs in the middle of your cycle.  Sperm can live in the woman's body for up to 3-5 days, and the egg can live for 12-36 hours, so there is about a 7-day window around the actual time of ovulation that you can get pregnant.  

    P.S.  Michelle -- you absolutely CANNOT get pregnant when you're not ovulating, unless you have invitro fertilization.

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