
How much debt do you currently owe?

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Just wondering if people have financial debts to pays off, of if you're debt free? Are you managing to pay it off okay?




  1. My husband and I are now debt free except for our mortgage, which is approximately $47,000, and we expect to have that paid off within four years.

    It wasn't always this way.  When we first married twelve years ago, we had little savings and over $80,000 in consumer debt plus $120,000 on the mortgage.

    Fortunately, we made the commitment to change our spending and save for the future.  And, we needed to.  My husband was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer 14 months ago.  Our out-of-pocket medical expenses during this period of time are approximately $20,000.  If we were not debt-free, we would have been bankrupt by now.

    You never know what life is going to throw at you.  It's important to be prepared.

  2. yes but they keep coming

  3. Just what's left on our mortgage, which we got 2 years ago and at the rate we're going will be paid off by 2014 (on a 30 year loan!).  We have no consumer debt, 2 cars that we paid cash for, and money in savings.  Oh, did I mention that I'm only 22 and we live off of around $32,000 a year? ;-)

  4. Zilch, I am happy to say.

  5. Too much than I want to say....god life is hard. Debt sux and hurts my family... =[

  6. I don't think I know anyone who is debt free. My husband has a system too paying our bills now we have money left over each month. I used to handle the finances now he does, and it works great!

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