
How much did china pay off the judges?

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How much did china pay off the judges?




  1. Did Greece pay off the judges in the last Olympics?  Did the U.S. pay off the judges when we hosted the Games?  It is natural for the home country to benefit from the home crowd.  The performers do better with the good crowd, and yes, the crowd's reaction can influence the judges to some extent.  That is the problem with the sports that rely on judges (human beings), rather than relying on clocks, tape measures, etc., to judge performance.

  2. A good wage.

  3. i honestly want to know, their were some moments during the olympics where the judgment was totally unfair, especially in the boxing.

  4. they gave each one a gold medal.

  5. alot

  6. 1 million dollars!!!

  7. Sounds like sour grapes, to me. Get over it.

  8. Probably not much.  Maybe a few chicken and rice dinners?

  9. So b/c China did great they must've cheated?? It couldn't be anything to do with their hard work and to prove themselves. You do realize they were third in the last Olympics.

    If you re-read your question you will realize how pathetic you sound! They did great and should be proud. I say great job!

  10. It's people like you....

  11. China offered to allow them to live, and to remain out of the forced labor camps. Better than offering money.

  12. why r u guys hating on china, even if they did pay the judges it will probbanly charge the amount ur mom(Prosituite) charge on her clients, which is not alot

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