
How much did it take you to get wasted?

by  |  earlier

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the first time you drank?




  1. 3 beer................they were 40s

  2. about 7 shots and 2 beers

  3. I am a very large guy, so naturally it took quite a bit to get me shnockered. I was at a keg party, and had at least 12 beers, and some shots.

    I haven't built up a tolerance to alcohol really, it still takes about the same amount to get drunk.

  4. 5 yager bombs , funeled a micky of vodka, 6 beers and 3 shots of bacardi 151 no chaser no lie i got pics to prove it no puke eathier

  5. 5 shots

    3 vodka

    2 rum

  6. a bottle of swish straight in about 8 min

    never had alcohol before that and it was probably much more than I needed looking back

    haha what a night

  7. Well, Johnny McCoolguy, with your backwards hat, sunglasses, and I'm sure a hacky sack somewhere, let me tell you a little something.  Drinking is only cool if you blow a guy immediately after.  Remember that next time you go to a party.  

  8. Experimenting with drugs or alcohol for the first time can be a little weird because you might not really know what your supposed to feel like. This is less likely with alcohol than with drugs, but still.

    Either way, depending on body mass, and how much you have had to eat it should not take you more than about 3 beers in an hour to start feeling the affects.

  9. Drank what?

    Poison, juice, water....

    OK, OK just procrastinating,

    I've never been wasted, but I have had a few, Heineken, Red Stripe, Red/White Wine, Johnny Walker, Stones Ginger wine....

  10. 2 bottles:(

    it was horrible:D

  11. Well,

    the first time i was wasted i think i was drunk after 6 beers but i was also taking double shots of casadorez taquila.  

  12. about 6 pints i think...

  13. Alot.  About 10 yrs ago, I could out drink the whole crew.  Now, one or two drinks and I am done for..

  14. Probably like 5 or 6 beers or a half pint of hard liquor.  Don't drink much anymore.  I like to keep it healthy.

  15. i dunno...I quickly lost track

  16. Two drinks...I should have learned a lesson then. Please don't ever drink and drive.

  17. lets see, I had half a 40 of mickeys and several shots of southern comfort before I was wasted.

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