
How much did my drawings improve??

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This is the first drawing I did in the first month of art class -

This is a drawing I did a little later in the year and the objective was to cut the picture in half and draw the other side of the face -

This is the next drawing I did and the objective was to draw half the face at a time -

This was the next drawing I did closer to the end of the year and we were learning about using color -

This was my second to last drawing of the year -

This was our final drawing of the year and we were suppose to put everything we learned into this drawing -

I was in Art 1 and that was my first year in art. Do you think I improved?? I am taking art again this year what can I do to improve?? Thanks!!




  1. I don't think the examples are sufficient to show the road you've traveled.  The first "color" picture showed more than just use of color, it showed  dramatic lighting (and thus shadowing) and that made depth that the last picture lacked.  It seems you like to draw faces, and--in my opinion--you would do well to do some studies of faces lit from disparate angles, even dual lighting.  I make my living this way, and what is not there (due to shadows) adds so much flavor to the work.

    I hope this helps.

    PS - and, as another poster said, all art is subjective.  Picasso COULD draw and paint portraits, but he chose not to.

  2. the moreyou practiced, the more you improved! keep going and drawing :)

    practice makes perfect!

  3. Art is a very subjective thing. I think in all honesty that I like some of your earlier work especially the drawing of the figure with the big eye. Nice attention to detail. But, that's just me.

    Your work evolves with time as does the work of any creative person. Your work will go through periods where you will really have doubts and wonder if it is all worthwhile. But what separates the true artists from those who just dabble, is the amount of time they dedicate to their work. And to never, never, never give up. Keep drawing every day for as much time as you can put in to it and you will see, over the years the progress will amaze you.

    Hope this helps.

  4. i think you have improved i done art for about 2 years first mine looked childish now my pictures are like realistic. you should keep taking art who knows you might even become an artist. if you do tell me ;)

  5. You have improved a lot compared to the first drawing. Keep on practicing drawing. That will train your observation skills. You'll be surprised at how good you'll get.

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