
How much did the end of McCain's speech move you?

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I am a Democrat.

A few years ago, I switched to Republican so that I could vote in the primaries for a family member who ran for local office, and won.

I never bothered switching back.

My first memories of an election was the 1968, which was probably the best election up until the candidates were picked.

Robert Kennedy was my guy. I still have a picture of him in my office. He was inspiring, young, he had courage. But I know that alot of people don't like him and don't like the Kennedys in general.

That's the point, isn't it? If you decide that you don't like Democrats or don't like Republicans because you are a Republican or a Democrat, then you are just as bad as Muslims who don't like Jews or Russians who don't like Americans. We all do bad things based on the fact that we want to get over on the other guy.

I am voting for McCain. I am voting for him based on the last part of his speech last night. I was for Obama, but I do not believe that Obama cares much for the United States. Its questionable in my mind. I certainly do not want more of my tax dollars being spent on programs for people so that they can stay home and watch TV. I want the United States to retain its leadership position. I want a strong, technical military, that limits our human front end involvement. I want terrorists wiped from the earth.

So I am for McCain.




  1. It was one of the worst convention speeches I've ever heard and I have seen party conventions for 32 years. It was basically " I was a prisoner of war, therefore, I'm entitled to this office". Past party nominees such as Bob Dole and George McGovern shunned their military experiences for political purposes, but McCain and the entire convention lavished in it. Let's get real...change is coming and it's not with John McCain. Go Obama  

  2. The"Fight" for this and that, and intense NAtionalism of the speech was frightening.

    Such tactics are all-too familiar and only stir up emotional response

  3. The whole anti-Republican Republican ruse might have succeeded, were it not for the fact that McCain's rhetoric was at odds not merely with his own voting record - 90 percent with Bush - and his own Bush-on-steroids agenda.

    Even as he was pledging to "change the way government does almost everything," the senator from Arizona announced his commitment to much, much more of the same.

    He pledged to maintain endless occupations of distant lands that empty the U.S. Treasury of precious resources that might pay for infrastructue renewal, housing and job creations initiatives for hurting Americans.

    He outlined trade and tax policies that would extend, rather than alter a failed economic status quo.

    He reintroduced flawed proposals for health care, education and entitlement reforms that Americans have wisely rejected.

    And he threatened to achieve "energy independence" by declaring:

    "We will drill..."

    "We'll drill..."

    "More drilling..."

    McCain's rhetoric was that of a liberated man declaring his independence from his party's failed president and corrupt Congresses.

    But his platform was that of Republican candidate who, for all of his talk of reform, offers the crudest continuity to a country that is crying out for change.

  4. His speech was great, he brought allot of people to tears.

    Now we must do our part and elect him,so he can help fix the mess we are in.

  5. It was nice and all but it was a typical soapbox pep talk and you fell for it just like they wanted.

    many other countries simply want to live nice and have a few hundreds bucks in the bank, but no here the government wants to put it in your heads that the U.S. is different, the U.S. has the RIGHT to be pigs.

    The U.S. as someone your age might remember it is done pal, never to return without completely being re-built again. You have to accept that. The U.S. has been on a decline my ENTIRE life, put yourself in my position and really take into account all that's going on worldwide right now.

    This is all going to collapse whether McCain, Obama, Ron Paul or Big Bird is elected president of the United States. Bring your emotions down a bit if not you're in for a huge let down.

  6. It reminded me of a great line decades ago " I may speek softly, but I carry a big stick!!!"

  7. Well I cried...I was so moved by McCain and his earnestness that I really cried...I love John McCain...a man like him doesn't come along very often...

  8. good for you, sounds about like my history. i was a Kennedy person also. he was loved and respested and had a real love for america. Obama to me has a love of self and his own gain. i  been voting for 35 plus years now and i just changed parties myself in 2004.  and i totally agree with you that his love for this nation is in real question and not because of anything the republicans have said, but his shady past and his freinds and all that. i mean i feel if he didnt have the guts to walk out on Wright how would he have the guts to defend this nation. speaks for itself.

  9. I enjoyed the speech through out and could understand what he was saying......seems like a virus is going around. Why would anyone watch something that makes them sick.

  10. It moved me to the bathroom to vomit.

  11. It felt bizarre and forced.  It made me think of Adolph Hitler the way he was yelling fight fight fight and shaking his fist.

  12. I moved to the bathroom for a bowel movement

  13. Not at all.

  14. it moved me off my seat to turn the TV off

  15. All a person has to do is look at his career in the Senate, McCain is a man who can be bipartisan and his record proves that.

    The same cannot be about Obama and that is a fact.

    McCain is one of a *few* truly bipartisan members of Congress.

  16. As a military vet myself, also with a husband and brother over seas right now.

    His story and speech, brought a tear to my eye.

    I agree with you never vote party, vote issues vote for whats best for the country not party.

  17. I thought the ending of McCain's speech showed passion and it was moving.  I liked McCain's speech. He didn't use the pretty words or flattering imagery of Obama but his straight, simple talk spoke volumes and gave me a glimpse of the man I supported in 200 & 2004.  I like this McCain.  I am definitely voting for McCain/Palin.  Palin I thought sealed the deal but McCain's speech put me firmly on his side.

  18. I agree with the other guy it moved me to the bathroom to vomit as well. Good one!!

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