
How much did u respect ur Parents !!?

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  1. I respect both of my parents.  They seem to have done an outstanding job of brining up me, my brother, and sister.  Now that I am on my own, I appreciate their moral guidance and support.

  2. I didn't respect my parents until I matured,and by that time they had passed away. And you think you have issues!!!!!!

  3. Total, it's easy to gloss over their contribution but who

    I am and what I have is all down to them. The first few years of your life parents feed you clothe you and love you (hopefully). later they help you to stand on your own two feet. How can you not respect someone who gives so much without asking for reward. I am now a grandma , my Mum and Dad have long passed over. I still miss them both deeply and always will. A very good question, have a star.

  4. When I was young I respected my mother but I have never, for even one day respected my father. I have always had a pretty good relationship with my mom but as I grew out of childhood and became less and less able to stand what my brothers and I went through with my dad I began to really question her good sense since she kept staying with him and watching us suffer. I would ask and her answers were not satisfactory then nor are they now. My father was the 2nd lunatic she married so he was wished on children that were not even his own. My mother also chose to home school one of my brothers and me even though we would have preferred to attend school.  I finally convinced her to let me attend a boarding school when I reached high school age so I could both escape my father and go to school, and shortly after I began she kicked my father out. As it turned out she had developed an unrequited passion for a family friend so she rationalized about my father through years of abuse to her children and dumped him only when something in her personal emotional life seemed to require it. We've always gotten along and to some extent I've forgiven her but I think of her as very selfish and though when I was young I would call her for things like cooking advice I have never looked to her for help on life decisions.

  5. the respect i have for my parents arent the same. I respect my mother a whole lot more than my father. my mother gets my full respect and i would do anything for her. we have a great relationship and i could joke around with her without her taking it as disrespect. on the other hand i respect my father to an extent. i show him more respect than i actually have for him on the inside. i am like this because i dont really have a close relationship with him. its like when i'm  around him, everything is so serious.

  6. i respect nothing but my parents most. they are the only persons for us, i m on the earth only for them and there is a idom in punjabi

    three things [ Younger, Parents & Beauty] never meet us again.

  7. I respect my parents so much. It's not that I obey them with everything they ask me to do, it's a different kind of respect. My parents have always been there for me, through the good and the bad. They have taken care of me in the best way they could and have loved me no matter what. I can always be open with my parents because as well as being my mum and dad they are also like my friends in a kinda way.

    I mean, of course everyone has fights, get angry and go through that whole I hate you thing but no matter what we will still love our parents.

    Our parents do so much for us without asking for anything in return. I just hope that one day I can be as good a parent to my kids as my parents are to me.

  8. When I was a teen, I had much respect for my parents.  That does not mean that I always agreed with them.  But I did obey them.  Even when I didn't want to.   Now that I'm older, and have lived alot of years, I'm 42 now, my views are somewhat different.  My father died 2 days after I turned 16.  And my wonderful Mother has been gone now for almost a year. You realize just how smart they really were!  You turn into your parents.  I would love to be able to get advice from my parents today.  But I can't.  But, I will always remember the lessons on love and life they taught me.  So even today with both of them gone, I have nothing but love and respect for who they were and what they did for me.

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