
How much did you guys get for financial aid?

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I am attending CSU-Fresno at a freshman and received my financial aid for $500. How much did you guys get for financial aid? I was expecting more. Oh well. Free money is free money. By the way, I work part time 20 hrs a week, am going to live with my parents, they make about 20-25k~ a year, didn't apply for FAFSA early but got in in on time, and I am the only one in the family attending college at the moment. 12 credits is full time but I only have 11 right now. My other class that would bump me into full time status is all filled up and I'm on the waiting list.




  1. 4700 for the whole year.  Actually, while that may sound like a lot, I should have gotten WAY more, but I literally applied on the LAST day, and that can greatly reduce the amount of money you get.

    **Edit** Pie4535, it IS free money what are you talking about?  Fafsa money is a Pell GRANT, not a loan.  That's free money.  You must be talking about a Federal Stafford Subsidized loan, which is just interest-free, not actually free.  But grants are free.  If you haven't gotten any free money, you need to take your butt down to and get that money, girl!  It's free!

  2. conatct the office and tell them the situation.  see what they say.

  3. At my first college I received 1500, then 2500 at the second college I went too. It depends on the tuition.

    It's not free money FYI. After one semester of not attending school full time you are expected to start paying that money back...50 bucks a month.

    If you do not receive full time status by a certain date, they will not pay out that money and you may have your classes dropped. It just depends on your school and how they handle tuition.

  4. I only got 2 dollars in financial aid !i

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