
How much did you pay for gas the last time you filled your tank?

by Guest60206  |  earlier

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What's the most you have ever paid for gas ? (per gallon)




  1. $4.05 for premium in Colorado

  2. $3.95 and it will be $4.05 or more on the next fill up.

  3. $3.80- i cried.

  4. $3.85 for premium a few days ago, but it's gone up again now.  $50 got me 13 gallons.

    In Arkansas

  5. $3.79 a gallon here.

  6. I paid $52.00 to fill my tank. I have to put 93 Octane in my car or higher. The gas prices in PA on the 19th were $3.96. Its RIDIC!!!

  7. $3.83 today

  8. I pay just .06 per gallon

    Don't believe me

    THEN A POX on you

    I bought the info after searching google for ".06 per gallon - impossible - no you can too" and watching the youtube that came up in the search

    I read the page and contacted three of the people in the 'proof" link and was told it worked - all three of them can't bi cahoots........

    I also saw it on CNN's I-Report

    It works

    Its amazing 1940's prices for gas

    No Kidding

  9. I have a 15 gallon tank and get about 25 mpg in my Camaro. It is 4.15 where I live and I was on E yesterday and had to fill up and it cost me $60.34.

  10. $4.09 regular.

  11. $3.76 for 87 about a week ago, and I'm getting dangerously close to Empty again.

    And within that tank time-span, 87 has skyrocketed to a max of $3.89/gallon, not fair, is it?

    I drive a Toyota Echo, it gets ~40mpg with a 10 gallon tank, but Pizza Delivery still doesn't account for gas prices going up, I'm still getting $1 per delivery, .5mi trip, or 5mi trip.

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