
How much did you pay the last time you got gas, and what can we do to lower the gas prices.?

by  |  earlier

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$3.4999 a gallon and I filled up so it was a little over $65.00. We have to do something, but WHAT?




  1. $17.00 Don't let the tank go below half a tank. Gas will never go down. It only cost about a quarter when people started driving and has been going up ever since. Do you know how stupid all of this countries crying over the price of gas looks to the rest of the world? They have been paying twice as much as us for at least 20 years. Then again they don't drive big stupid SUVs and pickups either. We brought it on all by ourselves. Boycotts are not going to work either. They will just raise the price even more to make up for their loses

  2. $3.85!  We all meet to park out vehicles as much as we can.  Do the necessary and keep discretionary driving to a minimum

  3. $0. I use wvo.We can however prevents banks from playing the oil market stocks.leave bare minimum in checking,savings,and only pay them at the last possible date.This will shrink their cash flow that they use to gamble on stock markets.

    It is not the Oil Companies,its Investors.

  4. 3.48

    If everyone stayed home on the same day from midnight to midnight it would cause a huge surplus of fuel, and drive the price down...

    250 million vehicles average 25miles per gallon

    and average 25 miles one way to work...

    going only to work and back is 500 million gallons per day if all vehicles are running......

  5. I like that guy's idea to boycott a gas station, but we need to get deeper into the source of the problem, we have to stop depending on foreign oil. If we start using electric cars we'll still be burning fossil fuels and if we use vegetable oil then vegetables will cost more so I'm not completely sure there is an answer to your question that will benefit everyone mutually. but good luck :)

  6. It took $56.00 to fill up from a half tank level on my pickup truck at 3.819/gal...Simi Valley, CA.

    However, with limited travel, I usually fill up only once a month.

  7. $3.509 is the price here today. To lower the price we have to quit buying it. But like you it is going to be tough.

  8. It costs me about at least $40 to fill up my 4 cylinder 1997 Grand Am from empty. It used to cost no more than $20 before the gas prices ever started to reach the $2.00 mark per gallon. Boycotting the gas companies is possible but not necessarily realistic. I would suggest carpooling whenever possible and convenient, driving slower (55-60 instead of 65, 65 instead of 75, etc), getting a bike or considering walking and jogging places, especially now in the Spring and during the Summer and Fall. Getting out the politicians who aren't open to alternative energies would be another proposal. We voters are the ones with the true power, we must only form a large enough coalition to threaten the status quo in order to be heard. Once the threat arises, there will be changes implemented. Once they are implemented, we cannot falter and take things for granted, as we must then ensure that alternative energy is around for good. We must reduce our reliance on foreign oil. This will remove any motives for occupying any nations, and will restore full credibility to the United States. There are a lot of problems our society needs to deal with, including this energy demand, our healthcare system, and crude individualism. I would begin with the media and our politicians and work the way further into the system.

  9. 3.49 per gallon is ridiculously low. You guys have it SO easy in the USA compared to just about everywhere else it ridiculous.

    Stop whining. The whole d**n country is all about friggin whining these days.

  10. I have a small tank, not much more than 10 gallons, and it cost me nearly $40.  Boycott a single gasoline company and start a price war between them.  Let's go with Exxon.  No one buy any more gas from Exxon.

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