
How much did you "help" your baby when introducing solids?

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We're doing baby-led weaning; it's going wonderfully, and I'm wondering what other BLW moms do in this situation:

You put the food on the tray. Baby drops it, or slides it off the tray. You pick it up, baby repeats the drop routine, getting fussier each time the food is "lost".

So, do you keep picking up the same piece of food and giving it back? Also, do you help your baby grasp the food by holding it out to him, so maybe, MAYBE baby will stop losing it? I know BLW is about exploring the food, and my baby is capable of picking up dropped items (he sits in a Bumbo chair on the table). Am I helping or hurting by assisting him so much?




  1. We have a highchair, which may make it easier. We put a Graduate Puff in her mouth so she knew it was food, and from then on she has fed them to herself. There are plenty that end up on the floor, but we let the dogs clean them up when she is done eating.  

  2. As far as BLW, if your son is getting so frustrated that he's not able to concentrate on learning about food and eating, then occasionally helping seems OK.

    As far as putting your son in a Bumbo seat on the table, STOP IT RIGHT NOW.  This is why they were recalled and additional warning labels were added - because people were using them on elevated surfaces, and babies were falling and suffering serious injuries.  They do not have restraints and are not designed to be used anywhere but on the floor.

  3. You need a bigger tray.

    Not a sarcastic answer; that was a big help, here. Food just falls off the side of those wee Bumbo trays. If he's sitting up well, try a booster with a tray.

    I'd keep handing it back. It shouldn't be very long before not much is dropped because he's too busy eating it to drop it -- or at least, stuff will only go over the side at the end of the meal or when there just wasn't any hunger for solids in the first place at that time.

  4. not at all, but make sure you let him try and reach out for it too, it wouldnt hurt them to try to over extend to grab the food. That way they learn the aspects of reaching and learning to reach farther to get things. good job mama!

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