
How much did your baby weigh at 36 weeks?

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Gestation I mean, according to the ultrasound.




  1. My last one was born at 36 weeks and he weight 6lbs 4.7oz

    1st was a 37 weeker and she weighed 6.9

    2nd was twins at 34wks5days and they weighed 4.13 & 5.4

  2. My daughter weighed 5lbs 2oz at 36wks and at 38wks when she was born she weighed 6lbs 12oz

  3. I am 37 weeks today and I just had an US this morning and they told me my baby weighs about 6 and 1/2 pounds.

  4. Not sure about 36 but I had an ultrasound done the day before I was 34 weeks and the U/S tech said she weighed 5 lbs 6 oz... she was in the upper 60th percentile for her gestational age- and so I guess assuming she gained 1 lb about in 2 weeks I suppose about 6 1/2 lbs. What about yours?  

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