
How much different do you think things would be...?

by Guest67009  |  earlier

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if there were no illegal immigrants in america?




  1. Isn't that the way it should be, if they were needed, we wouldn't call them illegal.

    It would be great.

  2. Immigration unchecked?  Ask an American Indian about what happens.  How much different would it be today?  You could not afford to buy produce.  Most of it is picked by hand and guess who picks it...

  3. The US would be Billions poorer because they make billions in purchases every year.

    The US would have Billions in taxes less paid into the system every year. Social Security and Medicare would probably not be around anymore because they are a big reason why it's still around. They pay taxes and don't claim them at the end of the year. All that money stays in the system, and who does that go to?

    Prices of the products you buy would be a lot higher because they work for lower wages, which helps companies make big profits, allowing them to keep prices low.

    Today's landscaping would look anything but beautiful!

    A lot of the small companies, including farms wouldn't be around today.

    Most of the produce and products you buy would be coming in from other countries.

    There wouldn't be anybody to blame for their own problems.

  4. Well it would be great, too bad the Indians didn't own the land, have a government, had laws, had settled the land, created laws and way to enforce them, we wouldn't' be talking about this.

    But they didn't, and people migrated to open land unowned, they didn't immigrate.

    Most of the c**p jobs in the U.S. are done by Americans, we don't' need illegals here. After all, how did food get picked before illegals were a problem.

  5. The economy would be better, and it would be easier to read labels and instructions without having half of it in Spanish.

  6. Americans would have lower taxes, better medical care and more disposable income because our tax dollars would not be spent on paying for illegals health care and welfare checks to these families. We would all be much better off. There would be much fewer cars on our roads and much cheaper gas, much lower crime rate and we would feel more safe in our own streets.


    On the left side of this site is a navagation bar. The author and I suggest you sit down with a cup of coffee and go through the information. And read the documents if you are in doubt.

    Just a good source with a lot of background on the problems Congress has been trying to shove down our throat.


    We would be a very great deal better off.

    Finally, for those who don't know, the American Citizens pick 83% of the crops grown in this country and the illegal aliens pick about 17%.  If we get rid of the illegal aliens, the Growers will have to pay full wages and American Citizens will have all the jobs.

  8. It would be a lot different. Crime would go way down and our economy would bounce back for starters. America would be America again.

  9. The question was about illegal immigration.

    Natives had no laws, no laws= no illegal immigration.

    Surely the people south of the border can understand that.........oh, maybe not.  "laws" is a foreign word to them.

  10. Native American Land.

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